I’m into crocheting, spinning, photography, chihuahuas, garage sales, thrift stores, cooking, singing, learning the ukulele, trashy novels, sewing costumes, making soap, any music I can dance to, and amateur “ham” radio – this week. In other words, my hobby is hobbies!

I graduated from the University of Florida School of Art + Art History with a bachelor’s degree in Art History (and a lot of drawing classes). But it was an internship at Tropicana in their Packaging Design Department followed by a year of work-study at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art that changed my direction from studying art to making functional designs that people could touch and use every day.

I’m not only proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop — I’m fast (keystrokes FTW!). I know how WordPress sites work, and I know how to bend their HTML and CSS code to my whims.

I have nearly 20 years of experience making art that sells stories — you probably call it graphic design.

You are probably here to peruse my brag sheet – so go ahead, my résumé is below. (Or you can download the pdf version.)